Survey link for Parents:
News & Announcements
2024 Back to School Giveaway
A Back-to-School Giveaway event is being held by Stylesaves® Organization.Stylesaves® will provide free uniforms, backpacks, school supplies and more to school-aged students in need.The event will take place: PARENTS MUST PRE-REGISTER THEIR CHILD(REN) IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE THE BACK TO SCHOOL UNIFORMS AND SUPPLIES. WEBSITE FOR THE PARENTS TO REGISTER THEIR CHILD(REN): PLEASE NOTE: Transportation will […]
Mental Health Services During the Summer
Mental Health Service Resources For additional information and resources visit the following website
M-DCPS Parent Academy Weekly Webinar
M-DCPS Parent Academy is committed to engage and empower parents and caregivers by providing resources, videos, and webinar registration available on our website
2023-2024 M-DCPS Title I Parent/Family Engagement Survey
2023-2024 School Climate Surveys
Your Feedback Matters! Access survey here The School Climate Surveys are an integral part of the District’s efforts to promote school improvement and educational accountability. School Climate Surveys of parents, students, and staff have been annually administered in the Miami-Dade County Public School district since the early 1990s. The purpose of […]
Kidergarten 2024-2025 Registration
If your child will be 5 years-old by September 1st, you can apply NOW to start kindergarten this fall. Visit our main office or call our schools to learn more.
Title I District Advisory Council Meeting
2023 Winter Break At-Home Activities
The Division of Academics, through the Office of Academics and Transformation, has prepared an array of engaging Winter Break Activities. These activities, available on the Division of Academics website, offer fun and educational experiences for students. From online Reading and Math Challenges, Social Studies Trivia, and Science explorations, these activities […]
Making Lasting Impressions
Striving to serve you better!